Thomas Worthington high school

A senior guy who is a gamer and loves sports

Senior guy leans against a row of custom built gaming PCs at the Vyral Compound for his gamer senior photos in Kettering, Ohio.

Jalil drove all the way from Columbus to do his senior photos with me. With commitment like that, you know we had to do them right! After chatting with his mom, I found out Jalil was a gamer, who loved sports as well. He has a quiet nature, but his smile is the best when he shares it with the world!

So, with some knowledge in hand from mom, we met up for our first stop in his session: Vyral Gaming Compound in Kettering, Ohio! Knowing he loved to game, I knew Vyral would be a great spot for gamer senior photos. If you’ve not seen this incredible compound, it’s out of this world. Armed with rows of top notch gaming PCs, the guys there were kind enough to let Jalil use the arena as his senior photo playground — we even broke out the fog machine! Then, we went into the private streaming room and rocked out with the custom setup for their ambassadors. It was one heck of a way to kick off his gamer senior photos.

After that, we headed to downtown Dayton to find some graffiti and more urban looks for him to compliment the indoor session at Vyral. Jalil’s style was perfect, and he made his senior photos look effortless. As we walked around Dayton, Jalil rocked every location we found. He was game to have a few outfit changes, and we created plenty of great looks for him and his mom to choose from.

Thanks, Jalil, for making the trek down from Columbus to create with me! It was great to get to hang with you and get to know you, and I wish you all the best as you finish your senior year. It’s almost time for the next big adventure. Congrats!

Senior guy sits in a graffiti alleyway in Dayton, Ohio during his senior portraits with Studio 22 Photography.
Senior guy leans against a lit up wall in Vyral Gaming Compound in Kettering, Ohio during his gamer senior photos with Studio 22 Photography.
Senior guy walks up a set of metal stairs outside of a building in downtown Dayton, Ohio during his senior portrait session with Studio 22 Photography.
Senior guy stands on a rock in front of graffiti during senior photo session in Dayton, Ohio.
Senior guy sits in a doorway surrounded by ivy during his senior portraits in downtown Dayton, Ohio with Studio 22 Photography

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