centerville high school

A senior guy who crushes the competition in wrestling, cross country, and track

Senior wrestling picture taken for Centerville High School's Griffin Burkle at Rev Photo Studio. He is wearing a wrestling singlet and carrying chains over his shoulder.

Where to begin when talking about Griffin? This guy is incredible! When his dad and mom reached out to plan his session, my goal was to give him creative senior pictures that captured his personality. And, with everything that Griffin does, it was easy to give them just that!

Starting out at Centerville High School, we utilized the wrestling room, where Griffin spends much of his time. It’s time that’s well spent; he’s a 3-year wrestling letterman, who’s also a GWOC and Sectional Champion in his weight class. But, he’s not finished there. Griffin also brought home First-Team All GWOC and First-Team All GMVWA accolades. When he’s not wrestling, he has been a part of the cross country and track teams, where he’s also a long distance dominating force. Centerville athletics are certainly lucky to have had him the past four years!

Once finished at the high school, we wandered downtown Dayton for some fun, urban vibes. Once we’d rocked Dayton, we finished in my studio, where we made some creative shots with his wrestling gear. But, no session is complete without a few traditional looks. Before we called it quits, we made sure to snag some nice looks and give those GQ vibes to round out the session. His suit and tie vibe were on point! Creative senior pictures? Yeah, we made it happen. This guy can seriously do it all!

As Griffin closes out his senior year at CHS, he’s setting his sights on his future at Miami University. Business Finance is his major, and he plans to do something incorporating sports. Congrats, Griffin, on all your achievements in high school, and best of luck at Miami as you start your next adventure!

Senior guy rests against blue railing, smiling at the camera. He is wearing a black tee with a grey button down shirt and jeans.

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